Monday Night Bible Study

In-Person and Zoom


Bible Study Resumes October 24, 2022

7:00 – 8:30 PM

The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church’s Conservative Icon examines the progression of Paul’s letters and the change in his attitudes and stances on important points, like his changing views on slavery and the patriarchy. The book argues that Paul becomes the ideal figurehead of the Roman church, instead of the radical figure that he clearly was, and tries to renegotiate his place in modern Christianity.

Reply to: for information about the class,

Zoom invite, and on ordering the book.

You don’t have to read the book to take the class.

Join Zoom Meeting Info

Meeting ID: 899 7423 3456

Passcode: 668838

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    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 899 7423 3456

Passcode: 668838

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August Conversations

Where We AreWhere Do We Go Next?

Summer of 2021 the Vestry held a series of In-Person and Zoom Meetings about our life together. Seven focus topics emerged. As we look forward to 2023, we want to assess how we are doing and adjust for the year to come.

Please look over these topics. Join us for a conversation at any of the dates below. No reservation necessary. Individual feedback can be shared directly with Molly at or 410.991.6752

Conversations will take place:

Sunday, Aug 21 after the 10AM worship service

Mon, Aug 22 at 6:30 PM

Tues, Aug 23 at 10 AM

Sunday, Aug 28 after the 10AM worship service

Wed, Aug 31 at 6:30 PM

Sunday, Sept 4 after the 10AM worship service


To help our neighbors, we partner with multiple local organizations, including financial support for Haven Ministries and food for the Sudlersville Judy Center and the Grasonville Food Pantry.  Our Backpacks for Kids program supports food insecure families with weekend meals.  We offer periodic free Community Dinners and weekly Soups and Salads for sale to our community.  We share resources with the Christ Episcopal Church Day School and Camp Wright.  We sponsor Boy Scout Troop 1631 and make our facilities available for multiple recovery groups.


The pandemic essentially destroyed our Christian Formation program, and we agreed that it was critical to rebuild it.  Therefore, we offered First Communion and Confirmation classes in 2022.  We developed the Wiggling Worship Room, staffed with volunteers.  We offer craft and coloring activities for children in Church.

The search for a Family Ministry Coordinator is funded and underway, and acolyte training is scheduled to begin soon.


Although we had planned to engage the Stephen Ministry program, it was cost prohibitive.  Instead, we are developing a Friendly Visitor Program, where trained lay people will check on parishioners and friends who may need support.  We have formed Fellowship Groups, and we have held a Hopeful and Grateful social hour to promote personal relationships.


Through the pandemic closures, we realized that maintaining a strong digital presence is essential.  We now live-stream the 10:00 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. service utilizing volunteers to monitor the broadcast.  Video conferencing gear in the conference room and portable video conferencing gear support access to studies and meetings and improve web access. 

We are reviewing our website to update it to reflect our current status. 


We realized that we cannot support our community if our facilities are not welcoming and functional.  Therefore, we have replaced roofs on the rectory and the shed.  We have cleared our ponds of woody vegetation.   Our Garden Ministry has revamped the front circle and parking lot islands and weeded many areas.  The Broad Creek Cemetery is pursuing a Long-Range Site Plan to guide the placement of the Columbarium and future landscaping.  Shand Hall is receiving a substantial cosmetic overhaul in August.


Our Music Ministry is a beloved and vital part of our worship.  We offer Choral Internships to students, and we are planning to increase the choir membership.  We have restarted in-person Sunday worship services and weekday Evening Prayer begins August 22.


Carrying the mortgage has limited our ability to develop into a financially sustainable position.  Our goal is to retire the remaining $267,000 debt by 2024.  To accomplish this, we will need additional pledges to cover the 2023 and 2024 mortgage payments and to pay $25,000 toward principal over each of the next 2 years.

Our Mission

At Christ Church Parish, Kent Island, you will find worship grounded in our congregation’s four centuries of living God’s mission.  We value Jesus’ teaching of all-inclusive, non-judgmental love.  We are nourishing bodies, minds, and spirits; providing a safe place for renewal and recovery; and cultivating faith through meaningful relationships.

Drug Awareness Meeting Links

Below are the links to the Community Drug Awareness meeting held at Christ Church on March 27, 2022. We had a lot of great feed back.  We just now have to keep it going. Join us in fighting the war on addiction.

Introduction to the event – Kevin and Father Mark

Alcohol & Drug Abuse in Queen Anne’s County – Sheriff Hofmann

Vape Pen Drug Abuse in High Schools – A Must Watch for Parents – Principal Sean Kenna

Parent lost a son due to Drug Addiction started by Prescription Pain Medication – Cathy Timms

It’s possible to go from Drug Addiction to Living a Clean Life – Lori L.

Lenten Book Study

March 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, April 6th-In Person or via Zoom

                        7:00 PM    The Room Where it Happens:

                        A Lent Course based on the musical      

                        Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 5402 5604
Passcode: 843261
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,83654025604#,,,,*843261# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 836 5402 5604
Passcode: 843261